" Look Into It - FEATURED NEWS / INFO Part 3








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The War Party Is At It Again

[By Chuck Baldwin] Published: Thursday, June 20, 2019

Trade a Democrat for a Republican; trade a liberal for a conservative: It doesn’t matter. The War Party remains in charge either way. The people who thought they were voting for Donald Trump because he would extricate America from these endless foreign wars should realize by now that he is just another wuss for the War Party.

Donald Trump has expanded America’s bombing wars against Somalia and Syria. He has expanded America’s drone attacks against Pakistan and Yemen. He has expanded America’s ground war in Afghanistan. U.S. wars in Iraq and Libya have never stopped. U.S. wars have killed over 500,000 people (mostly innocent civilians) in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan alone.

Now Trump is sending 1,000 troops to Russia’s border in Poland. He is sending an additional 1,000 troops (the real number could be 5 or 10 times that) to the Middle East. What most of us are not hearing reported is that Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan (CFR) told top national security aides that the Pentagon has plans to send 120,000 U.S. troops to the Middle East. Coincidentally, this is the exact same number of U.S. forces that were used in the invasion of Iraq.

Trump has already sent nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to the Middle East. He has sent the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group to the Middle East. He is sending U.S. warships to the tip of China’s territorial waters. He is sending U.S. military jets and bombers to the tip of Russia’s airspace. He is threatening overt war with Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Iran. At least 5,000 U.S. troops have been rushed to Venezuela’s border-neighbor, Colombia.

In addition, Trump has issued economic sanctions against India, Mexico, Turkey, the European Union (with 28 member states) and, of course, China, Russia, Venezuela and Iran. For anyone who understands the way sanctions work, each of these sanctions, by themselves, could rightly be considered as an act of war. Hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of little children, elderly people, the sick and infirmed, etc., are right now starving to death all over the world as a direct result of Trump’s economic sanctions against their countries. Mr. Trump, have you ever seen a child starve to death?

And, of course, Trump is bypassing Congress to send billions of dollars of sophisticated arms and munitions to the Sunni/Wahhabi terrorist state of Saudi Arabia. Trump is bypassing Congress again to execute wars against Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Iran.  

It is no hyperbole to say that Donald Trump sees himself as an emperor, not a president. And Trump is not shy about admitting it. In his recent ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos, Trump bellowed, “I run the country.”

It seems that America’s founders went to a lot of trouble for nothing to create a constitutional republic, because, with the help of evangelical Christians and conservative Republicans, Donald Trump is rapidly—and I do mean rapidly—turning America into a monarchy. But in reality, Trump is more of a mafia don than a monarch. And why not? Trump spent his entire business career learning how to skirt the law, truth, decency, honesty and all things upright from the best cons, killers and thugs in the business: Zionist mafia bosses. And Trump is now their star pupil.

I’m really tired of hearing my Christian conservative friends say that Donald Trump means well, but he just listens to bad advice. Humbug! That miserable attempt at apologizing for Trump is really getting old. Donald Trump knows exactly what he is doing. He is doing what he fully intended to do from day one. He is doing what he was trained all of his life to do.

Donald Trump is the consummate Zionist stooge. He has bewitched Christians and conservatives with his phony religious rhetoric and overt pandering to Israel. Of course, Christians were already poised and ready for a deceiver like Trump to come along. Ever since the end of World War II, America’s evangelical churches have dispensed the devilish and diabolical doctrines of dispensational futurism, which turned them into willing vassals of all things Israel.

Trump’s most influential and trusted staff members have all been Zionist warmongers. I’m talking about Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton (CFR), former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan (CFR), Special Envoy (translate: war planner) to Venezuela Elliott Abrams (CFR), former Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland (CFR), Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin (CFR), Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross (Bilderberg), CIA Director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner (Bilderberg), Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, et al.

As an aside, Shanahan caught everyone off guard when he announced last Tuesday that he was leaving the Pentagon. The timing of his departure is most curious. Why would a defense secretary leave his post just as Donald Trump is on the verge of launching at least two wars? There is something significant behind this move. But don’t worry, folks, Trump is replacing Shanahan with another CFR Zionist warmonger, now former secretary of the Army, Mark Esper. But I digress.

Jon Basil Utley writes:

America’s penchant for starting wars [is] very often based upon lies or false premises. False flag operations mean having an attack blamed upon another nation which actually was not the culprit. Syria’s questionable fault for gassing of innocent civilians was used by Washington to bomb its Air Force. Now Secretary of State Pompeo has set us up by publicly stating that any attack on any American soldier in Iraq or Syria would cause America to attack Iran. He’s put every soldier at risk of death by some Israeli or Saudi fanatic.

Both Secretary of State Pompeo and Vice President Pence are profound end times Evangelicals [translate: Israel-based dispensational futurists]. In 2017 I wrote, Iraq, Syria, Iran…Are We To Destroy Iran Next? about the original neo-conservative program to re-mold the Middle East. A main new concern is Trump’s Secretary of State’s strong evangelical beliefs in the end times. The NY Times describes his beliefs [in] The Rapture and the Real World: Pompeo Blends Belief and Policy. The belief is that a stronger and greater Israel will bring about Armageddon sooner and their rapture straight to heaven.

Destroying Iran’s being a threat to Israel is thus seen as helping God’s intentions.

The FT also links to a Guardian article quoting Pompeo, “Pompeo told a church congregation in Wichita three years ago. “It is a never-ending struggle . . . until the rapture. Be a part of it. Be in the fight.” Pompeo’s actions as a “Christian Zionist” are described in a New Republic article The Christianization of US Foreign Policy.

I know what they were trying to say, but the New Republic article titled The Christianization of US Foreign Policy is badly misnamed. What it should be called is The Judaization of US Foreign Policy, because, for the most part, evangelical Christianity in the U.S. has been completely co-opted by Zionist-Judaism (which is not Judaism at all, but a political/racial supremacist ideology that uses war to force its will upon any country that opposes it).

Philip Giraldi sums up the war doctrine of Mike Pence’s Christian Zionism perfectly:

On May 25th Vice President Mike Pence was the featured speaker at the United States Military Academy commencement. His speech was predictably an encomium celebrating both the diversity and the success of the newly commissioned officers as well as of the system at West Point that had produced them, but it also included interesting insights into how he and the other non-veterans who dominate the policy making in the White House see the military.

Most media commentary on the speech was either shocked or pleasantly surprised by Pence's prediction that the graduating officers would soon be at war. He said, "It is a virtual certainty that you will fight on a battlefield for America at some point in your life. You will lead soldiers in combat. It will happen. Some of you will join the fight against radical Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some of you will join the fight on the Korean Peninsula and in the Indo-Pacific, where North Korea continues to threaten the peace, and an increasingly militarized China challenges our presence in the region. Some of you will join the fight in Europe, where an aggressive Russia seeks to redraw international boundaries by force. And some of you may even be called upon to serve in this hemisphere.”

Pence's choice of words is revealing. There is a "virtual certainty" of "fight[ing] on a battlefield for America" and that battlefield is global, including both transnational Islamic terrorism and the western hemisphere. The language implies that American security requires "full spectrum dominance" everywhere. It encompasses traditional national enemies, with a Pyongyang that "threatens peace," a China that is "militarized," and a Russia that is both "aggressive" and expansionistic. The soldiers must be prepared to fight "when not if that day comes."

First of all, it is discouraging to note that Pence believes that a war or wars must take place, and further, one must have to wonder exactly what scenarios are envisioned by Pence, and also presumably by his boss and colleagues, regarding precisely how war against other nuclear powers will play out. Nor does he entertain what would happen when the rest of the world begins to perceive the United States as its enemy due to its willingness to interfere in everyone's politics. And the American soldiers would die not knowing what they were fighting for, since they would understand from the onset that it had nothing to do with the defense of the United States.

The speech is, in short, a recognition that the Trump Administration sees perpetual war on the horizon, a viewpoint that is particularly alarming as one can quite easily make the case that the United States is not seriously threatened at all by anyone on Pence's enemies list and is therefore the aggressor. China is a regional power, Russia does not have the resources or will to reestablish the Soviet Union, and North Korea has only limited capability to attack anyone, even if it should choose to do so. Islamic terrorism is largely a creation of the United States in the first place and maintains its potency by the adverse impact of the continued US presence in Muslim lands. And the suggestion that Venezuela and/or Cuba might be a threat to America is, quite frankly, laughable.

If Mike Pence is seriously interested in looking around to see who has been most interested in starting new wars, he should look to gentlemen named Bush and Obama, not to mention his own colleagues John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. And then there are Washington's feckless allies Israel and Saudi Arabia, who are keen to advance their own interests by means of piles of dead American soldiers.

As I said, trade a Democrat for a Republican; trade a liberal for a conservative: It doesn’t matter. The War Party remains in charge either way.

Here’s one more example: The only current presidential candidate of either party that is truly anti-war is Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi is a four-term congresswoman and a combat veteran of the Iraq War. Again, Philip Giraldi has the story:

In a recent interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, Gabbard doubled down on her anti-war credentials, telling the host that war with Iran would be “devastating,” adding that “I know where this path leads us and I’m concerned because the American people don’t seem to be prepared for how devastating and costly such a war would be… So, what we are facing is, essentially, a war that has no frontlines, total chaos, engulfs the whole region, is not contained within Iran or Iraq but would extend to Syria and Lebanon and Israel across the region, setting us up in a situation where, in Iraq, we lost over 4,000 of my brothers and sisters in uniform. A war with Iran would take far more American lives, it would cost more civilian lives across the region… Not to speak of the fact that this would cost trillions of taxpayer dollars coming out of our pockets to go and pay for this endless war that begs the question as a soldier, what are we fighting for? What does victory look like? What is the mission?”

Due to her strong anti-war convictions, Gabbard is being savagely attacked by her own Democrat Party and is being all but totally censored by the mainstream media.

As I have said over and over: There is only one party in Washington, D.C., and it’s the War Party. And they are at it again.

P.S. This is the second notice that we are currently printing and distributing the most important liberty documents in U.S. history. It’s called THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.

This giant book is an excellent resource for high school and college students—as well as homeschoolers. Pastors, teachers, physicians, business owners, attorneys and judges have purchased THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS with extreme satisfaction.

The Tennessee State Supreme Court ordered several copies of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. Plus, a county sheriff recently ordered copies for each of his deputies. I believe you will be just as pleased as they are with this wonderful compilation of American documents.

You can have these great documents at your fingertips in one beautifully bound, easy-to-read format. These are the documents that gave birth to the greatest free nation on earth. Again, nowhere else can you find these documents complete in one volume under one title. And our supply is very limited and will not last long.


To read my initial column explaining THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, go here.

© Chuck Baldwin



Trump's Speech After Shootings Paves Way
For A Dramatic Loss Of Rights, Censorship & PreCrime


An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen

Published on Mar 17, 2019

These letter was written by Dr. Chuck Baldwin and read live prior to the message preached by
Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, March 17, 2019 during the service at Liberty Fellowship.


Pastor Chuck Baldwin Exposes Donald Trump's Broken Promise To Protect The 2nd Amendment

LibertyFellowshipMT | Published on Aug 19, 2019 | www.chuckbaldwinlive.com

Donald Trump promised the American people that he would protect our 2nd Amendment. No promise Trump made was more emphatic than his promise to protect the 2nd Amendment.

But now President Trump has joined anti-gun Democrats by becoming the loudest proponent for more draconian gun control laws, including universal background checks and "red flag" gun confiscation laws.

Donald Trump's betrayal of the 2nd Amendment is inexcusable--and unforgivable.

The NRA is compromised and in complete disarray and will be no help. It is up to the people who voted for Donald Trump to stop this. If they do not rise up en masse NOW and let Trump know in no uncertain terms that he has lost their vote FOREVER if he enacts these egregious gun control and gun confiscation laws, Trump will go down in history as having enacted more communistic gun control laws than any president since Lyndon Baines Johnson in the 1960s.

In this video, Pastor Baldwin presents the clarion call for everyone in America who cherishes their right to keep and bear arms to rally en masse against these police-state gun control laws before it's too late.

This is not about Republicans or Democrats, right or left or who wins an election. The right to keep and bear arms is more important than any election and any political party. The right to keep and bear arms is about FREEDOM.

Please share this video with as many friends and loved ones as you can. We only have a short time to stop these Orwellian gun control laws from coming into existence. We only have a short time to make Donald Trump accountable to his promise to protect the 2nd Amendment.

"We are not talking about gun control. We are talking about

- Chuck Baldwin, This Is Deadly Serious! March 14, 2019 -

This Is Deadly Serious!

An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen


Links:2nd Amendment , F.B.I. , FALSE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM , General Summary/Crash Course


Make The CALL:



Call White House now 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414

Call any Congressman via 202-225-3121 or 202-224-3121 






"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law--justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. You blind guides!
You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel

-- Matt
 23:23-24 --

This past Sunday I had an interesting experience I thought I should share. After attending an average church meeting in the morning and spending an uncomfortable afternoon reading the news, I eventually ended my day and got to sleep. I was awakened at 4am with some of the news articles in my mind and a phrase predominant in my thoughts.
(Excerpt from: Asleep at The Switch by Daniel Barrett)





The phrase was: Asleep at the switch. Although I thought I was aware of the meaning of the phrase I got up and looked it up. The Online Dictionary defines ‘asleep at the switch’ as follows: “This term came from 19th-century American railroading, when it was the trainman’s duty to switch cars from one track to another by means of manually operated levers. Should he fail to do so, trains could collide. It was later transferred to any lack of alertness … disastrous results are implied.” (http://www.yourdictionary.com/idioms/asleep-at-the-switch)

This started me thinking. We have arrived at a period in American and world history when being awake is of utmost importance. Being in a position of leadership and yet asleep to critical issues at such a time will certainly lead to the ‘disastrous results’ referred to in the closing phrase in the above definition.

Full Article and More Here: Asleep at the Switch





War and Christian Militarism
Book Review Written by John Larabell

Are you a “Christian warmonger,” a “Red-state Fascist,” a “Reich-Wing nationalist,” an “Imperial Christian,” a “Christian killer,” a “pro-life murderer,” a “double-minded warmonger,” a “God-and-country Christian bumpkin,” or a “warvangelical Christian”? According to Laurence M. Vance, Ph.D., you may be if you support current U.S. foreign policy and the current actions of the U.S. military. Do you get your news from the “Fox War Channel” and the “War Street Journal”? If so, you need to read Vance’s books War, Christianity, and the State: Essays on the Follies of Christian Militarism and War, Empire, and the Military: Essays on the Follies of War and U.S. Foreign Policy.

War, Christianity, and the State is a collection of 76 of Vance’s essays written between 2003 and 2013, all of which appeared on LewRockwell.com. Vance accurately summarizes the contents of the chapters:

In chapter 1, “Christianity and War,” Christian enthusiasm for war and the military is shown to be an affront to the Saviour, contrary to Scripture, and a demonstration of the profound ignorance many Christians have of history. In chapter 2, “Christianity and the Military,” the idea that Christians should have anything to do with the military is asserted to be illogical, immoral, and unscriptural. In chapter 3, “Christianity and the Warfare State,” I argue that Christians who condone the warfare state, its senseless wars, its war on a tactic (terrorism), its nebulous crusades against “evil,” its aggressive militarism, its interventions into the affairs of other countries, and its expanding empire have been duped. In chapter 4, “Christianity and Torture,” I contend that it is reprehensible for Christians to support torture for any reason.

Vance writes as a conservative, evangelical, fundamentalist Christian, holding degrees in history, theology, accounting, and economics. His main message in War, Christianity, and the State is that

If there is any group of people that should be opposed to war, torture, militarism, and the warfare state with its suppression of civil liberties, imperial presidency, government prop­aganda, and interventionist foreign policy it is Christians, and especially conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians who claim to strictly follow the dictates of Scripture and worship the Prince of Peace.

Vance sharply rebukes supporters of the warfare state, particularly Christians, and illustrates the follies and horrors of war. He points out the hypocrisy of Christians who support U.S. militarism, the warfare state, the neoconservative-dominated Republican Party, and those who believe almost everything coming from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Glenn Beck. Many such Christians claim to worship the Prince of Peace yet wholeheartedly endorse acts of violence against other people in the form of war. He dubs such Christians “Christian killers” to illustrate this contradiction.

While some Christians may in fact be opposed to the numerous wars of aggression entered into by the United States, they almost to a person still “support the troops,” because the troops are “just following orders” and are thus justified in their killing of those who have not actually attacked the U.S. homeland. While Vance admits that killing in genuine defense of one’s life or family is justified, he also argues that killing other human beings, Christian or not, merely because the government labels them as “the enemy” is not justifiable and is therefore murder. In light of this, Vance believes that Christians should not serve in today’s military, and if they are already in the military, they should refuse to kill people in wars of aggression, no matter the consequences. Vance elaborates:

Most people say the troops are not responsible because they’re just following orders.... Many evangelical Christians agree, and join in this chorus of statolatry with their “obey the powers that be” mantra....

First of all, the last time I looked in my Bible, I got the strong impression that it was only God who should be obeyed 100 percent of the time without question.... If the U.S. government told someone to kill his mother, any American would be outraged if he under any circumstances went and did it. But if the government tells someone to put on a uniform and go kill some Iraqi’s mother, the typical American puts a yellow ribbon on his car and says we should support the troops.... Being told to clean or paint a piece of equipment is one thing; being told to bomb or shoot a person is another.

War, Empire, and the Military is a collection of 127 of Vance’s essays written between 2004 and 2014, with the bulk of them appearing on LewRockwell.com. Vance notes of the seven chapters:

In chapter 1, “War and Peace,” the evils of war and warmongers and the benefits of peace are examined. In chapter 2, “The Military,” the evils of standing armies and militarism are discussed, including a critical look at U.S. military. In chapter 3, “The War in Iraq,” the wickedness of the Iraq War is exposed. In chapter 4, “World War II,” the “good war” is shown to be not so good after all. In chapter 5, “Other Wars,” the evils of war and the warfare state are chronicled in specific wars: the Crimean War (1854-1856), the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), World War I (1914-1918), the Persian Gulf War (1990-1991), and the war in Afghanistan (2001-). In chapter 6, “The U.S. Global Empire,” the beginnings, growth, extent, nature, and consequences of the U.S. empire of bases and troops are revealed and critiqued. In chapter 7, “U.S. Foreign Policy,” the belligerence, recklessness, and follies of U.S. foreign policy are laid bare.

According to Vance, the underlying theme in this collection of essays is

opposition to the warfare state that robs us of our liberty, our money, and in some cases our life. Conservatives who decry the welfare state while supporting the warfare state are terribly inconsistent. The two are inseparable. Libertarians who are opposed to war on principle, but support the state’s bogus “war on terrorism,” even as they remain silent about the U.S. global empire, are likewise contradictory.

War, Empire, and the Military is a great study of history and a must-read for anyone who supports current U.S. foreign policy. Vance begins the book by explaining the views of classical Western thinkers and the views of the Founding Fathers regarding war, empire, and the military, telling how (and why) the early Americans were very much opposed to the modern warfare state with its foreign entanglements, foreign wars, and massive military budget. After all, the U.S. military, Vance says throughout both books, is now used for everything but its original purpose: the defense of the United States and the securing of her national borders.

In addition to giving detailed accounts of why many of the wars of the past two centuries were actually fought (often not the reasons given in American public-school history classes), Vance includes a number of essays depicting the horrors of war from the perspective of soldiers on the battlefield. After reading many of these accounts, only the most calloused individuals would still be eager to see America involved in another war.

War, Christianity, and the State is no doubt the more controversial of the two books. Many conservative Christians will vehemently disagree with Vance’s views on the current evils of the U.S. military and war in general. In fact, Vance mentions the criticism he receives from many Christians (most of whom are not in the military) for his opposition to U.S. foreign policy and the warfare state. He admits that he has been called “liberal,” “communist,” “anti-war weenie,” “traitor,” “coward,” “America-hater,” and other vulgarities that will not be printed here. But Vance argues his points well, and provides a great deal of historical background on Christian opposition to war and the views of the Founding Fathers on war and standing armies to make his case. Additionally, Vance includes a number of essays featuring letters he has received from military personnel who agree with him. An open-minded reader who is a genuine Christian would find it difficult to disagree with Vance’s primary theses in both books.

A few small criticisms are in order. There is a great deal of overlap among the various essays, which is to be expected, and which Vance admits to in the beginning of both books. Additionally, there are a number of minor spelling and grammar errors, and, as the essays were primarily online postings, there are many spots that were obvious hyperlinks that do not show up in the books, which can be a bit awkward for the reader. This, also, Vance admits to.

But as mentioned above, both books — War, Christianity, and the State and War, Empire, and the Military — are must-reads for conservative Christians, many of whom have supported the military and the American warfare state. Although Vance has a literary wit and offers sharp criticism of those he disagrees with in order to provoke a thoughtful response, open-minded readers will no doubt come to agree with many of his views.



War, Empire, and the Military: Essays on the Follies of War and U.S. Foreign Policy










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