" Look Into It - Psywars Part 1








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Psyops: Psychological Operation

Military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments.

Any form of communication in support of objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly

Department of Defense
US Army Field Manual 33-1


"There's a real war going on in the elite right now, dont' think Trump just did this on his own. He was recruited by "patriots" in US Intelligence Agencies for a FACT...Trump was recruited by the US Army. That's a big secret but you deserve to know...you deserve to understand what's really going on."

- Alex Jones, Alex Jones Show 1-22-17 -


If you give a man the correct information for seven years, he may believe the incorrect information on the first day of the eighth year when it is necessary, from your point of view, that he should do so. Your first job is to build the credibility and the authenticity of your propaganda, and persuade the enemy to trust you although you are his enemy.

- A Psychological Warfare Casebook Operations Research Office Johns Hopkins University Baltimore (1958) -




Adaptation and Conformity

The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars


April 10,2019

After returning from a station break, Alex Jones on March 17, 2014, resumed his news broadcast in a segment in which he covered the subjects of eugenics, mental illness, and fraud. These issues prompted him to tell of a profound encounter he had with an elitist who believed society will adapt to whatever men like him do. Anyone familiar with Jones’ work from that time to the present, can see that this assessment is true of many people not the least of which includes Jones himself.

People don’t understand the scams; I do. I know what they’re going to do before they do it. It’s very nightmarish by the way. It's nightmarish to not be arrogant and to be able to sit down with major CEOs of major companies who get a lot of it and say, “You'll never stop it you might as well just join with it.” Or, to talk to major, you know, people who are very successful and billionaires and people and they don't even understand it all. They know their business and that's it. I mean it's very lonely, sitting here watching it all in white papers and all public taking place in front of me and people have lived their lives in it so they're comfortable with it, and they've adapted to it in a bad way. ... [he exclaimed] “They will adapt to whatever we do. Don’t you understand not all adaptation is good?” And he laughed at me and said, “We win you lose ... They'll muddle through everything and there's no way out of it.” And that was the great epiphany I was given by the head of a major US bank off record on that first class American Airlines flight to be on The View. Alex Jones 3/17/2014, Video: Line Up and Die.

Alex Jones and Infowars selling out to the establishment is now old news. If you are unaware of this, for starters watch the three videos below. Look into Jones ranting about preemptively nuclear striking North Korea and China (events that would have killed all life on earth).[1] Infowars even had a video thumbnail (above picture) stating: “NUKES DROPPED!”, when tensions could not have been higher! Or, after producing five documentaries warning of the US becoming a police state, Jones advocated using the army to round up Americans during contrived left-right tensions.[2][3] Or, Jones’ open support of the apartheid state of Israel against the Palestinians and has unashamedly made bigoted statements such as:

What would happen if the Jews pulled out of Israel today and left? Within a year there’d be nothing but people murdering and killing each other and blowing each other up and fighting, because that’s what the middle east does. You don’t build stuff; you don’t develop things; you don’t have a culture that’s based on renaissance; it’s all based on conquest. And you’ll just start saying, You’re not as Shiite as I am, or you’re not as Sunni as I am, and killing and blowing each other up in five minutes. That’s all I’m saying, for God sakes.[4][5]

The list goes on and on, whether it is the trillion dollar omnibus bill,[6] Afghanistan, Venezuela, fake war on terror, geoengineering, the adding of swamp creature after swamp creature to Donald Trump’s administration, and other examples to be mentioned in this article, Jones is now constantly spinning and providing a smoke screen cover for Trump/The Establishment every step of the way enabling this presidency to “kick the can down the road” and enrich all the cartels who have a piece of the pie and a seat at the table. A clear example is Infowars providing PR for Trump's weapons sales to the Saudis, knowing they would use them in the continuation of their genocide in Yemen!  

(Article Resumes Down This Page)

To learn more about how the media manipulates the public goto these links:

Media Controllers ,Media Controllers2 , Media Controllers3 , Propaganda History , MSM IS GARBAGE , Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation 


WARNING: Alex Jones & Mike Adams Are Pushing a Faux "Revolution" 

The Conscious Resistance
Published on Sep 24, 2018

Derrick Broze examines recent videos from Alex Jones and Mike Adams claiming that Trump will declare martial law. These men and Infowars are not to be trusted. They are going to help create the perfect conditions for a civil war that the ruling class will use to enact complete control. 
Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com 


Infowars Employees Expose
Alex Jones

Know More News
published on Oct 4, 2017

Former Alex Jones employees and guests speak out about the big problems going on at Infowars Featuring:

Rob Jacobson
Kurt Nimmo
Anthony Gucciardi
Aaron and Melissa Dykes
Luke Ridkowski
Jason Bermas
David Icke
Wayne Madsen
and Jack Blood

Alex Jones back to the Woodshed


Ryan Dawson
Published on Jan 1, 2017

Dawson's Patreon here

With Trump elected the temporary hold on smacking Jones is over. Plus Alex went full cuck mode for Israel. He said the Middle East other than the Jews, have no culture and can't build anything. That they only know destruction. Funny because Europe colonized over half the planet and started both world wars.


Alex Jones Does 180 on Police State

Advocates Military Be Used to Arrest US Citizens to Resolve Contrived Left-Right Tensions

"...They're going to guillotine everybody and have a communist utopia and they're all nodding 'we're going to kill the conservatives and the christians, we're going to kill them'. And these are marches with hundreds of thousands of people nodding their head, 'We are going to kill you.' As far as I'm concerned, the safest thing to do would just to be, have Trump, just go ahead and have the Army go ahead and arrest these people. We are in a red alert right now; we need to have the Army just arrest these people. And I guarantee you George Washington, if stuff like this was going on, would go arrest the people that were doing it."

-- Alex Jones, vid: Is The Civil War Here NOW?, WeAreChange Jul 2, 2018 --

"...And this comes from a man who made four: not one, not two, not three, four movies called The Police State and even another one called Martial Law 911 warning the general public about the use of the US Army domestically inside The United States. This is a man who is most well known for warning the American public about the rise of the police state, who has now completely turned 180 degrees and is ultimately calling for martial law in the streets to arrest people who are protesting the government!"

-- Luke Rudkowski, vid: Is The Civil War Here NOW?, WeAreChange Jul 2, 2018 --



This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the elitist theory of democracy and the relationship between war, propaganda and class.

A deep, richly illustrated study of the nature and history of propaganda, featuring some of the world's most insightful critics, Psywar exposes the propaganda system, providing crucial background and insight into the control of information and thought.


An Excerpt From The Film:

lMikela Jay: The head of the Rendon Group, John Rendon, denies that he is a “national security strategist” or a “military tactician”. Rather, he states: “I am a politician and a person who uses communication to meet public policy or corporate policy objectives. In fact, I am an information warrior and a perception manager.”

Following the First Gulf War, Rendon was paid $23 million by the CIA to create anti-Saddam propaganda. Following 9/11, he was charged with public relations for the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan.

Rendon is far from alone. Public relations has mushroomed into a $200 billion a year industry with PR “flacks” in the United States now outnumbering journalists.

Propaganda has become the primary means by which the wealthy communicate with the rest of society. Whether selling a product, a political candidate, a law, or a war, seldom do the powerful deliver messages to the public before consulting their colleagues in the public relations industry.

Colin Powell presents a now typical case. He didn’t choose a seasoned diplomat for the position of Under Secretary of State. Instead, he chose Charlotte Beers known in PR circles as “The Queen of Madison Avenue.” Her resumé includes successful advertising campaigns for Head & Shoulders dandruff shampoo, Uncle Ben’s rice, and now, Uncle Sam.

John Stauber (PR Watch): You see a news show. You watch 60 Minutes or a Fox program, or whatever it is. You tend to give more credibility to what you’re told is journalism. If an advertisement comes on hopefully you tend to be more skeptical of that because obviously, somebody put an awful lot of money into crafting this slick TV ad and airing it.

But what you probably never suspect is that that news story you just watched was also crafted by a company, given to the TV station or network with the understanding that they would put their own logos on it, identify it as real journalism, and air it.

Mikela Jay: Colonel Sam Gardiner would eventually chart 50 false news stories created and leaked by the Bush White House propaganda apparatus prior to and during the assault on Iraq.

Foremost amongst these were the lies that led to the war in the first place. “It was not bad intelligence that led to the invasion”, concludes Gardiner. “It was an orchestrated effort that began before the war” and was “meticulously planned” to manipulate the public.

John Stauber: In 2002, when the Bush administration was conducting its massive public relations campaign to sell the war out of Donald Rumsfeld’s office in the Pentagon, there was something now referred to as the Pentagon pundits program where literally scores of former high-ranking military generals and admirals and colonels were getting their talking points for their appearances on TV news shows directly from the Pentagon.

They would literally go to the Pentagon, be on phone conferences with the Pentagon, travel with the Pentagon, and then go on TV as supposedly independent sources. Although most of them were actually being paid in the private sector – because these were retired military officials – by defense contractors. And many of them were actually registered lobbyists for military contractors.

So there’s a bit of a conflict-of-interest right away when your bread and butter is based on being able to sell armaments and bombs and missiles and you’re supposed to be just a patriotic ex-general giving an honest opinion to what’s going on.

And even though that’s illegal, there’s no way to really stop it. And the most powerful medium through which it occurred refuses to even report on the scandal. You’ve got just a massive problem, and that’s where we’re at.



"The Great Epiphany": Precursor To Alex Jones' Selling Out

Published on Mar 17, 2014

"It's nightmarish to not be arrogant and to able to sit down with major CEOs of major companies who get a lot of it and say, 'You'll never stop it you might as well just join with it.' Or, to talk to major, you know, people who are very successful and billionaires and people and they don't even understand it all. They know their business and that's it. I mean it's very lonely, sitting here watching it all in white papers and all public taking place in front of me and people have lived their lives in it so they're comfortable with it, and they've adapted to it in a bad way. And that was The Great Epiphany I was given by the head of a major US bank off record on that first class American Airlines flight to be on The View."

"They will adapt to whatever we do.  Don't you understand not all adaptation is good?"  And he laughed at me and said, "We win, you lose." "...They'll muddle through everything and there's no way out of it."

-- Head of a major US bank off record,
 Alex Jones 2014, Video: Line Up and Die --




Hope & Tragedy
6-7-12 The Alex Jones Show
...Before Alex Jones became what he spoke out against in these two very informative videos.


American Elite Who Betrayed USA
1 of 2 Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones

To understand more of what Alex & Aaron
are talking about go here:

General Summary/Crash Course



American Elite Who Betrayed USA
2 of 2 Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones

To understand more of what Alex & Aaron
are talking about go here:

General Summary/Crash Course


"The world doesn't make sense till you read the core documents"

-- Alex Jones, American Elite who betrayed USA --

Click Image

[Adaptation and Conformity Article Continued]


Trump is in bed with the Saudis, the Israelis, the Rothschilds, MIC lobbyists, porn stars and who knows who else; almost nothing he does is autonomous![7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] In my opinion, reporting the news without making this part clear gives legitimacy to the façade.[16] Even independent news that should know better at times get lost in the false media dialectics of Trump vs X, Y, and Z. Although it is easier and practical to refer to Trump as doing thus and so, the reality is that he only represents the aforementioned cartels and private interests, not himself and certainly not the United States. Of all people, Jones knows this; you can see him brandishing a book in the video by historian Carroll Quigley which details this very thing: Tragedy and Hope.[17] And Antony Sutton, who is cited in this video and of whom he is very familiar with, also abundantly explains dialectics and false opposition e.g., The Greatest Enemy Money Can Buy and America’s Secret Establishment. "The world doesn't make sense till you read the core documents" -- Jones, American Elite Who Betrayed USA.[17] Knowing the core documents, it is therefore no surprise at all to see Hillary Clinton (Trump’s supposed nemesis during the 2016 campaign) remain free and untouchable despite all Trump’s tough rhetoric of bringing her to justice. Even after the election, she and others have been used as foils and dangling carrots to keep the public distracted in an ongoing virtual soap opera. His supporters in general are contented that comparably speaking, whatever he does, we are better off, and that one day soon (as told by secret anonymous patriots somewhere) the “baddies” will be nabbed by their fictional champion. We are now in the phase where the drama and smoke and mirrors intensifies so that the elitists' agenda moves forward despite more and more people realizing they are actually getting the shaft.[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27] When the smoke clears at the end of his term, the media circus attendants are raring to get the none the wiser public to take another ride. Then it starts all over again with the same people being mesmerized by PR, and cockamamie stories as heralded this election by Jones/Infowars so that Americans put their trust in untrustworthy candidates. Jones had tears in his eyes after Trump was elected saying he has “completed his work,”[28] because I believe he knew he had run his course and from then on would lose all the credibility he got over the years. Now he has become the greatest hypocrite and traitor by those who have watched the majority of his career, and can see through the ruse.

Asch Conformity Experiment

In psychology, the Asch conformity experiments or the Asch Paradigm refers to a series of studies directed by Solomon Asch studying if and how individuals yielded to or defied a majority group and the effect of such influences on beliefs and opinions

Developed in the 1950s, the methodology remains in use by many researchers to the present day. Applications include the study of conformity effects of task importance. Link

When he sold out in 2016, the elaborate cooked-up story about patriots in the intelligence communities choosing Trump (conveniently leaving out the part of all Trump's mafia ties [29][30][31][33][33]) had to be promulgated by Infowars, and others, to rally the people one more time to buy the goods.[34][35][36] If any of that story were true, these so called "American patriots" should be the first ones along with Jones calling out Trump's deviance from the constitution and his dereliction of duty to his oath. It turns out if you look into Military Intelligence, you will find some of the most abject corruption imaginable.[37] And if no one else, should not the pocket constitution toting followers of Infowars, the “Infowarriors” be the ones pointing out the nonsense and chicanery? To a lot of his ex-fans' credit, many woke up to his change. However, why did so many others conform to such antithetical actions and even now, financially support it? Somewhat of an answer may come from the video when Jones said, "And I look at the public who are like mindless children, who have no idea what they’re facing!" Sadly, this remark is true for the majority of his viewership; and what is worse is that now he preys on these “children,” fitting within the video he also bragged, “people don't understand the scams; I do.” But what is more unsettling is that despite ex-Infowars employees speaking out against him, others who have warned about his treachery, and being kicked-off YouTube, Jones still maintains a significant following. It has been just as the banker predicted, people in general, and even those who are able to detect the fraud, are muddling through it and adapting in a bad way. This same kind of phenomena was discovered in the Asch Conformity Experiment developed in the 1950s. The research showed that some people will conform to a majority group despite it contradicting what they can themselves observe. I have thought many times that if people cannot wake up and oppose in mass, geoengineering which can be seen by the naked eye, there is a very slim chance for truth and justice prevailing elsewhere! It brings to mind the quote from Groucho Marx, "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"

In the Line Up and Die video you will see Jones being candid and forth coming (a rarity now if ever to be seen again) about his own proclivity to adapt to things he knows to be harmful. Jones berates himself for this as he details his encounter with an evil man who headed some undisclosed US bank, that tried to convince him that people will adapt to the plans of the elite. He spends the rest of the time ranting and denouncing other media personalities who have conformed to elitist ideals such as eugenics, ironically, to later himself deserve the same ridicule if not moreso for his own adapting to gross evil. For me, reviewing older footage of Jones like this is a painful experience in light of the nauseating sell out he has become. Real death in Yemen and unjust US military actions around the world get no sensational "Nukes Dropped!" images to expose them; they are instead snubbed and ignored.[38] In 2013 Jones held his Operation Paul Revere contest, where he paid out $100,000 for the best video exposing corruption or that inspired patriotism. If he were to do that now, it would be poetic justice if all the entries exposed the evils of this administration: Genocide in Yemen being the winner. The runner up would be a compilation of Jones/Infowars special reports that took the Obama Administration to task with its establishment minions, vs their conformity to the present Psyop and PR fest that is getting Trump through his term. The Line Up and Die video would be a good start. In it Jones decries Bill Maher for verbally advocating death, yet says nothing about Trump who is a real murderer, whose hands are dripping with blood from the thousands killed in illegal US wars! Trump’s actions receive no such rebuke or disdain. Instead, Infowars produces whatever they can that puts Trump in a favorable light, such as this article: "Trump Unleashes Secret Life Extension Technology To Public, game-changing tech no longer suppressed by global elite".[39] They followed it up with a broadcast about the article EXCLUSIVE: Trump Wants To Save America, Release Secret Technologies, and Retire.[40] That’s right folks, Trump, who has the power to stop this evil madness in Yemen, tomorrow if he chose to, (and would actually preserve and extend life in a real sense) he will not do that. Instead, according to Jones, the great humanitarian Trump has unleashed life extension tech to the public?! What a bunch of nonsense! Reality proves the opposite when anyone cares to look up in the skies at the continual unleashing of harmful geoengineering particulates on the public![41] Add to that, the life-shortening deadly 5G tech, the magnanimous maga-man is unleashing as well.[42] Yes, this is the type of PR garbage Infowars spews out when we are literally being sprayed like cockroaches, and in the face of Yemeni people who endure what some say is the worse humanitarian crisis on earth! In another instance, rather than report on Trump giving the notorious White Helmets funding after he previously froze it, Infowars does a PR show about Trump's birthday being the greatest yet.[43] I must stress the fact that the White Helmets were proven to be terrorists by Infowars in their own video: Proof The White Hats are Terrorists, published on The Alex Jones YouTube Channel, Apr 13, 2018. Later, Jones made a video lauding Trump for defunding this group as they were shown to have instigated the false flag in Douma, which was met with US, UK, and France strikes on Syria and almost started WWIII. Jones went into a cursing and crying tirade when that happened, but had nothing to say when Trump gave this same group of terrorists $6.6 million on his birthday of all days. Jones completely omitted this glaring misdeed from his fawning PR video. Again, think about that, Trump gives a group of whom Jones/Infowars themselves deemed as terrorists and they do not report this news! (So much for Jones' feigned tears and drama for Syrians, soldiers, and WWIII). The selling out continues with his astronomic ass kissing launching even into outer space, with regard to Trump's ridiculous Space Force boondoggle he proposed to the crooks at the Pentagon[44] in which Jones said, "When humanity is on a thousand worlds, they'll be statues of Donald John Trump on those planets...The next step is not interplanetary, not interstellar, not even intergalactic, but interdimension!" In the video he appears to be inebriated by his own imaginings of a golden future.[45] If he were physically drunk, in this particular case it would have at least furnished some justification, but the PR from Infowars is consistently this flagrant and perpetual.

Jones eclipsed his own description of Bill Maher as a, "…predator, uncool antihuman sniveling piece of trash to be recognized as an enemy." I say that because he knows precisely what he is doing. Some years back during the Kony 2012 propaganda, Jones laid into Angelina Jolie (who, I am not defending); he called her a war criminal and for her arrest while admitting he was not sure if she were aware of the fraud she was promoting.[46] He went on to rail against her using her celebrity influence and her connection to the United Nations in a criminal plot to wage a “humanitarian war” all over Africa. Now, it is Jones who has used his vast influence to get a man elected who is not only furthering Africom, but is selling weapons to the very nation who (according to Trump) is responsible for 9/11 and the War on Terror.[47] I urge you to pause for a moment and let that one sink in! Give this careful thought the next time the TSA gropes and blasts your body with harmful millimeter-waves at the airport. Unlike the Kony hoax, where there was the potential for death, thousands of Yemeni people have died and are dying a hundred or more a day with millions who are on the brink of death![48] Not only has Jones not called Trump the bona fide war criminal that he most certainly is, he has gone so far as to equate Trump to Moses of the Bible in a Sept 13, 2018, interview with Patrick Bet-David![49] * Dialogue between Jones [A.J.] and Patrick Bet-David [P.B.]

Moses. [A.J.] Trump is Moses?[P.B.] Oh yeah[A.J.] Elaborate, what do you mean by Trump is Moses?[P.B.] He’s the real freakin’ deal, my gut knows it and it’s all clear. He’s pro-human, he wants progress, he’s already had everything and he’s dialed into the real deal. I guess they call that the deliverer? Trump is the deliverer if we take it. We’ve already seen it, we’ve already seen everything is oppressing us and then as soon as he comes in, grass and flowers and power, everything is waiting right now.

Unbelievable! I wonder how many videos of righteous indignation he would have made if Jolie were involved in these heinous circumstances, and went on to say ridiculous things like Jones has about a major contributor to genocide. By his own standard of judging her, Jones should be arrested and put in prison as a war criminal! The following excerpt is from Jones’ video: Propagandist UN front Angelina Jolie Needs To Go To Prison[50]

She is like a propagandist like Joseph Goebbels. If they could’ve gotten their hands on Joseph Goebbels before he committed suicide at the end of World War II in Germany, you think he would’ve been tried? I mean he was just speaking. Words are power; the pen is mightier than the sword. And when you’re in a position of authority pushing for new wars in Libya - that was a total criminal illegal war. I’ve interviewed top military officers like Colonel Shaffer say clearly it’s illegal. Clearly it’s treason. There’s treason legislation introduced in the House for impeachment right now and no news coverage, because Obama is launching wars without congressional approval … Jolie is up there cheerleading this giant psyop. It’s a psyop Obama getting the peace prize, they knew he was going to launch all these wars with left cover. It’s a sick joke. And they’ve got most of the antiwar crowd - who wouldn’t even protest under Bush - running around praising war!… And all of you supporting these wars under humanitarianism, grow-up and realize you’re being manipulated and brainwashed!

Well, I guess that all slipped Jones’ mind when he went on his broadcast and ranted about preemptively nuking North Korea and China. The hypocrisy builds per person and issue Jones covered during the Obama administration. Even to this day YouTube is littered with re-uploads of his famous rants in which he lambastes MSM personalities for not taking the ethical high road back then. Nowadays, if you can stand to watch and have any discernment, you will see him shamefully use the same MSM disinformation and psywarfare tactics. The most egregious among them is lying by omission as he has done to ignore and whitewash genocide to make the establishment look good. It seems Jones’ is giving the unnamed banker a run for his money with what he characterized him as possessing, "focused evil".

Someone might ask, how can Jones think he can keep up the act?[51] I think the answer is found in what he said toward the end of the video, "I'm so sick of the public being so dumb and letting scum like Bill Maher sit there and lecture you and lie to you all day long." As aforementioned, having complained about it for many years, Jones knows how easily people are manipulated, and now just behaves in the same deceitful manner of those he spent years ridiculing. In the end, Jones' betrayal should come as no surprise once you see the history of numerous sellouts he speaks of in the two videos above. Perhaps it was not hard to succumb to once you realize there is always a job for them somewhere within the network, and it does not appear that many of these betrayals were ever met with justice - at least not on this side of existence. Even recently people have seen wicked men like George H. W. Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, and John McCain, pass on in their old age and are still venerated when the masses should be aware of the immense harm they have inflicted. Joe Plummer, who wrote an easy to understand version of the fundamental workings of the Elite: Tragedy & Hope 101, stated, "As powerful as any one individual might have been or currently is within the Network, the instruments and tactics are where the real power lies. Men eventually die; instruments and tactics can live on indefinitely." Seeing this relationship demonstrated in the corporate media may or may not be that much of a revelation. Through people like Edward Bernays, many are aware of it as an instrument by which propaganda and psywarfare tactics are promulgated. Yet, observing this in the so called “alternative news” sphere in terms of the patriotic movement is still a new phenomena, especially in its affect on this election. Ironically, Jones points out some of these tactics in criticisms over the years of Glenn Beck - a "patriot news journalist" who ripped-off a lot of his schtick.

It's delusional, because people invest in Beck and they don't want to admit they’ve been conned. … And I’m sick of double talkers, and see he gets you emotionally invested in him, saying a lot of the right things and at key points flip-flops. "… He does enough good stuff to get your confidence, it’s like rat poison is 90% good food.[52]

In closing, though more could be said, I hope the severity of the issues touched on like Yemen and nuclear war, have made it clear that a lot is at stake which require your examination and decisive action. Although emphasis was put on Jones, do not lose sight of the fact that outside of his choice to conform, his unnamed solicitor’s arrogant words are pointed at each of us. “They will adapt to whatever we do.” And he laughed at me and said, “We win, you lose ... They'll muddle through everything and there's no way out of it.” To this scumbag, his worldview is a foregone conclusion in which he has written off not just Jones, but you and me as well! However, something can be learned even from his egotistical foolishness, for it reveals his adversary as not some special type of person, but just ordinary everyday people. The simple fact these elitists have to own the news outlets and go through so many elaborate schemes to control and propagandize, shows their real fear of average folks learning the truth. They know that a certain percentage of people, once they see and understand what is really going on, will never stop opposing them. This type of real resistance puts their plans in jeopardy, and is something men like that banker will never admit. Neither will he, nor Jones admit the truth: that betraying innocent blood for temporary wealth and power already makes them much worse than a loser. 


1. Nuclear War Imminent: US Prepares To Strike North Korean Missile Sites. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Apr 5, 2017.

2. Is The Civil War Here NOW? Published on YouTube: We Are Change Channel, Jul 2, 2018.

3. Warning: Alex Jones & Mike Adams Are Pushing a Faux “Revolution”. Published on YouTube: The Conscious Resistance Channel, Sept 24, 2018.

4. Isis Plots Christmas Attack in US/UN moves Against Israel. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Dec 24, 2016.

5. Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, May 14, 2018.

6. OMNIBUS BILL - Alex Jones: It's Time To Impeach Trump. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Mar 23, 2018.

7. Does Saudi Arabia Own Donald Trump? Published on YouTube: The Intercept Channel, Oct 16, 2018.

8. LIVE - #IsraelGate, #Khashoggi & Trump's Dirty Deal with Saudi Arabia. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Nov 20, 2018.

9. Banksta’s Paradise feat. Donald Trump. Published on YouTube: Know More News Channel, Aug 6, 2018.

10. The Rothschild Syria Connection - Major Revelations. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, May 9, 2018.

11. Trump To Embassies: Sell American Weapons! Published on YouTube: Ron Paul Liberty Report Channel, Jan 10, 2018.

12. This is the perfect Explanation of How the War Industry Works! Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Feb 20, 2019.

13. The Truth About the Deep State - Part 3 of 3 - Military Industrial Complex. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Jun 4, 2018.

14. Weinstein & Trump - Are They Victims of False Allegations? Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Mar 21, 2018.

15. Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and the Sexy Daughter. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Mar 15, 2018.

16. Trump Is The Swamp. Trump’s Jewish Mafia & The 5 Dancing Israelis. Published on YouTube: Raising Awareness World Wide Channel, Apr 10, 2017. [Phoney Opposition]

17. American Elite Who Betrayed USA. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, June 7, 2012.

18. News You Won’t Hear Christians And Conservatives Talk About, by Chuck Baldwin Nov 29, 2018.

19. More News You Won’t Hear Christians And Conservatives Talk About, by Chuck Baldwin Dec 6, 2018.

20. Still More News You Won’t Hear Christian And Conservatives Talk About, by Chuck Baldwin Dec 13, 2018.

21. Many Pastors And Christians Behaving More Herod Than Wise Men And Shepherds, by Chuck Baldwin Dec 20, 2018.

22. Now It’s William Barr: When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For Donald Trump? by Chuck Baldwin Jan 24, 2019.

23. America’s Burgeoning Imperial Presidency, by Chuck Baldwin Feb 21, 2019.

24. An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen, by Chuck Baldwin Jan 31, 2019.

25. The Truth About Trump’s Withdrawal Of U.S. forces From Afghanistan And Syria, by Chuck Baldwin Jan 3, 2019.

26. He GOP Continues To Fully Fund Planned Parenthood, by Chuck Baldwin Sept 27, 2018.

27. “The Illusions of Hope”, by Chuck Baldwin Oct 4, 2018.

28. Alex Jones “I’m Ready to Die” - Exclusive Interview After Being Banned. Published on YouTube: Valuetainment Channel, Sep 13, 2018.

29. Trump's Ties to Russia - Part 1- From #Watergate to #Russiagate. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Dec 10, 2018.

30. Trump's Ties to Russia - Part 2- The Russian Mafia. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Dec 15, 2018.

31. Trump's Ties to Russia - Part 3- Mafia Money Laundering. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Dec 18, 2018.

32. I'm in Love With Donald Trump (But Today is Opposite Day) #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, March 14, 2018.

33. How Trump Helps the Mafia to Launder Blood Money. Published on YouTube: Blackstone Intelligence Network Channel, Mar 14, 2019.

34. CORSI EXPOSES TRUTH - TRUMP RECRUITED BY MILITARY!!! Published on YouTube: JustInformed Talk Channel, Apr 11, 2018.

35. Dr. Steve Pieczenik on the Soft Coup and the Counter Coup in the US. Published on YouTube: sacredheartsvideo Channel, Nov 3, 2016.

36. Dr Steve Pieczenik & ALEX JONES Soft Coup and the Counter Coup. Published on YouTube: Dr Steve Pieczenik Channel, Oct 4, 2017.

37. Former Marine Colonel’s Wife: Kay Griggs, Sleeping With The Enemy [Unedited]. Published on Youtube: Facundo Soares Gache Channel, Oct 17, 2015.

38. Bombs Away! US Airstrikes Every 12 Minutes? Published on YouTube: Ron Paul Liberty Report Channel, Jun 21, 2018.

39. Exclusive: "Trump Unleashes Secret Life Extension Technology To Public, game-changing tech no longer suppressed by global elite" Infowars, June 4, 2018.

40. Trump Wants To Save America, Release Secret Technologies, And Retire. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Jun 22, 2018.

41. The CIA Director Just Cheerfully Chatted up the CFR About Chemtrails. Published on YouTube: Truthstream Media Channel, Jul 6, 2016. [Geoengineering].

42. 5G and Trump’s Tweets - Ignorance, Greed, or Insanity? By Felicity Arbuthnot, Global Research, Feb 22, 2019.

43. Trump's Best Birthday Yet. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Jun 14, 2018.

THREE OUTRAGEOUS STORIES The Media Wants You To Forget! Published on YouTube: WeAreChange Channel, Jun 14, 2018.

US releases 6.6$mn for White Helmets, UN agency. Published on YouTube: RT Channel, Jun 15, 2018.

44. The Pentagon’s Missing Trillion: What You Need to Know. Published on YouTube: Corbett Report Extras Channel, Dec 18, 2018.

45. Learn The Secrets Of Trump 's "Space Force" Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Jun 18, 2018.

46. Arrest Angelina Jolie For War Crimes Kony 2012. Published on YouTube: greatnessurvives Channel, Aug 21, 2012.

47. “Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.” -- Donald Trump Fox and Friends on the morning of February 17, 2016.

48. Save the Children: 130 Yemeni Children Die Each Day Due To Saudi Blockade, By Brecht Jonkers Nov 11, 2017 Almasdarnews.com.

49. Alex Jones “I’m Ready to Die” - Exclusive Interview After Being Banned. Published on YouTube: Valuetainment Channel, Sep 13, 2018.

50. Propagandist UN front Angelina Jolie Needs To Go To Prison. Published on YouTube: AwaketoTruth Channel, Mar 13, 2012.

51. "He's playing a character. He is a performance artist." Randall Wilhite Alex Jones' Attorney According to Austin American-Statesman Report of Child Custody Hearing. Exclusive: In Travis County custody case, jury will search for real Alex Jones, by Jonathan Tilove, Apr 18, 2017.

52. Glenn Beck Is Rat Poison, Operation Paul Revere Video Contest, By Anthony Coralluzzo 2013.



** All bracketed comments are opinions of lookintoit.org unless otherwise stated.



Yellow Journalism


1. Nuclear War Imminent: US Prepares To Strike North Korean Missile Sites. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Apr 5, 2017.


"The United States is preparing to Nuke China so get ready assholes!"

Alex Jones 2017, Youtube Video:

Nuclear War Imminent: US Prepares To Strike North Korean Missile Sites 


Alex Jones Calls For Preemptive Nuclear Strikes on China!

  The Alex Jones Channel April 5, 2017


Bruce Cumings (Chairman of the Department of History at the University of Chicago) in an interview with Amy Goodman, had this to say about nuclear war in this day and age:

November 10, 2017
Democracy Now

Amy Goodman: "How close do you think the U.S. is to nuclear war with North Korea, Professor Cumings?" 



ell, I was asked that by people in Korea, who have a little bit more interest in the subject than we do, although probably their missiles can reach here in Chicago. You know, I’ve been thinking about this question for six months. And I can’t believe anyone in their right mind would want to launch a preemptive attack, either to take out—if it could be done—North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missiles or to decapitate the regime, which we talk about or which the Pentagon and inside-the-Beltway people talk about as if that would be great, if we could get away with it. It’s, of course, completely in violation of international law to do something like that.

A nuclear war between North Korea and the United States would devastate the region. But more than that, it would probably lead to at least two years of nuclear winter, where the debris swirling around the planet and the atmosphere would make it impossible to grow crops. Anyone who talks about nuclear war in this day and age, with all we know about nuclear winter and the terrible effects of nuclear weapons, is basically a war criminal, in my view. Nuclear weapons should never be used. And especially to see a president of United States go to the United Nations and threaten to totally destroy North Korea, I mean, that was just nauseating. And one thing he forgot, since he knows no history, is we already did that during the Korean War. We razed every North Korean city to the ground with firebombing and incendiaries. And it still didn’t work. They still fought us to a stalemate. There’s no military solution in Korea. We should have recognized that in 1953.

-- Bruce Cumings, Chairman of the Department of History at the University of Chicago --

November 10, 2017 Democracy Now


“Talk of war is dangerous and irresponsible. It would have catastrophic consequences for Northeast Asia and the world. Military action could slow the North’s program, but not eliminate it. Threats of war, moreover, only make the North redouble efforts to hold the United States at risk. And they greatly exacerbate the greatest risk of all: an inadvertent war on the Korean peninsula with the potential for hundreds of thousands of deaths, including thousands of American citizens. Unfortunately, some American leaders believe that if there is a war, keeping it on the Korean peninsula will keep us safe. I maintain that a nuclear war anywhere will have catastrophic consequences for America.”

-- Siegfried S. Hecker: Talk to North Korea to avert a nuclear disaster. August 7, 2017 --

Siegfried S. Hecker is an American metallurgist and nuclear scientist.
He served as Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1986 till 1997 and is now affiliated with Stanford University




Published on Dec 9, 2012
USHRS 2012 Yellow Journalism



Responsible Journalism Thrown Out the Window for Pro-War Sensational Hype


Tensions could not have been higher when this irresponsible click bait garbage was posted on Youtube 8/31/17. In the comments many people were very angry because they thought Infowars was reporting on nukes being dropped as stated in the image and title. However, in the Infowars broadcast, it turns out the sensational thumbnail and headline was about this article: FIRE AND FURY - US nuke-ready jets drop bombs near North Korea border as Kim Jong-un blasts 'wild military act of the enemies'. Please understand that this stunt was done when Trump had just made his "Fire and Fury" threat 8/8/17, and tweeted the "Locked and Loaded" statement 8/11/17. Moreover, on 8/15/17, the people of Guam had suffered an enormous scare from an accidental emergency alert miscommunication. And after all of this, right in the midst of enormous concern over nuclear war breaking out, one of the leading alt-media "news" outlet releases this nuclear fear porn trash!

April 5, 2017 : "...The United States is preparing to Nuke China so get ready assholes!" The Alex Jones Channel YouTube, Video: Nuclear War Imminent: US Prepares To Strike North Korean Missile Sites

August 8, 2017 : 'Fire and Fury'


August 11, 2017
 : 'Locked and Loaded'


August 15, 2017 : Guam Accidentally Broadcasts Emergency Alerts Amid North Korea Threats


August 31, 2017 Infowars : NUKES DROPPED!


August 31, 2017 Infowars : NUKES DROPPED!


US nuke-ready jets drop bombs near North Korea border as Kim Jong-un blasts 'wild military act of the enemies'
By Jon Lockett, August 31, 2017








"...So if China keeps pushing the only option is full commitment to hit China preemptively."

-- Alex Jones, Nuclear War Imminent: US Prepares To Strike North Korean Missile Sites --



2014 Is A Farcry From Alex Jones'
View of War 2017







------- 2014 -------> 

Caller - “It is the Military Industrial Complex, that is taken over here, and…It’s just happening, I mean and I don’t know how we’re gonna defend ourselves against it.” Jones - “No no I agree, it’s special interests on all sides that make money off conflict instead of free-market instead of real things that help people and…There was a top British analyst and government official, I forget his name, like two months ago came out and said look, our governments are creating crises to stay in power, and they're going to end up causing WW3...They’re screwing things up on purpose.”

- From Youtube Video “Growing Dangers of A New Crimean War” March 17,2014 @ 3:12 -


"If we liberated North Korea I'd kinda probably get behind it, but not if it was going to cause a Nuclear War." -- Alex Jones

- From Youtube Video "Retired Intel Officer Reveals Globalists Run Agenda in Ukraine" March 17,2014 -





------- 2017 -------> 


"The United States is preparing to Nuke China so get ready assholes!"

 Nuclear War Imminent: US Prepares To Strike North Korean Missile Sites,
The Alex Jones Channel YouTube Apr 5, 2017



Why Alex Jones Calls For Trump To Invade Venezuela?

Pulse Change
Published on Apr 4, 2019

Alex Jones calls for the invasion of Venezuela by Trump.







"The globalists create confusion by design so that people see a smoke screen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would just roll over and give up."

-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War Left To Attack Syria --




In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment.






WAR IS A RACKET! — Major General Smedley D. Butler

In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment. 


Website Features:












Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession of Palestinians and annexation of their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past and present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of Israel is a totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda (the New World Order, call it what you will) and the Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which both Donald Trump and Alex Jones are a part of it.


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